Scheduling An Appointment

Call 0449881804 to arrange an appointment Monday - Friday.

Every effort will be made to serve you on the next available appointment (often the same day or next or as needed). Appointments can be scheduled in advance for virtually any future date Tuesday - Friday. 

**Additional Cases: If an appointment is already scheduled with SCVU for an ultrasound and an additional case arises, please call and notify us so we can be prepared as add-on cases can affect our ability to serve other scheduled cases that day.

DISCLAIMER: SCVU does not work directly with the your clients but rather serve your veterinarians on a referral basis only.

Please send all relevant case information to prior to your appointment.

Patient Preparation

Have the patient there and ready as early as possible as often our schedule can be unpredictable. We will make every effort to communicate with you to let you know our approximate arrival time.

Have your owners fast their pets for at least 12 hours prior to their appointment.

Have your patient shaved & sedated (if necessary) prior to our arrival as detailed below.

ABDOMINAL SCANS - shave from the xyphoid process to the caudal abdomen with very wide margins extending laterally over the last 3-4 ribs, especially on the right side. The shave needs to be clean and to the skin.

THORACIC SCANS - small shaved square (5cmx5cm) in the right & left axial areas and a small square 5cm x 5 cm just caudal to the xyphoid process.

Please provide a quiet, dark area to perform the ultrasound exam.

A nurse will be required to hold the patient. It is not required that one of your veterinary staff be present but are always welcome. Owners will not be present for ultrasound exams.

Sedation & Anaesthesia

For abdominal scans, the patient will in dorsal recumbency. For thoracic scans, the patient will be in both lateral recumbencies. If your patient requires sedation, please make sure they are ready to go upon our arrival.

For dogs with heart disease requiring sedation - please contact SCVU for a protocol if you don’t have one.

Payment & Reports

Payment can be made by direct debit. Please contact SCVU for pricing.

An interim report will be given upon completion of the exam. A more detailed report will be given within 1-2 business days of the exam.